Christmas with Natuzza Evolo
A film by Pino Nano and Maurizio Pizzuto.The woman who spoke with angels and who had stigmata during Holy Week. For ordinary people she is already holy.
(Prima Pagina News)
Venerdì 22 Dicembre 2023
Roma - 22 dic 2023 (Prima Pagina News)
A film by Pino Nano and Maurizio Pizzuto.The woman who spoke with angels and who had stigmata during Holy Week. For ordinary people she is already holy.

RaiItalia broadcasts the film on Natuzza Evolo on Christmas Day, 25 December, in all the countries of the world connected with Rai, in the Usa, South America, Australia, but also Asia, Africa and Europe. The documentary, directed by Pino Nano and Maurizio Pizzuto, reconstructs the true story of this woman who for ordinary people is already a saint.

On Christmas Day, Rai Italia offers the fascinating and evocative story of Natuzza Evolo, the Calabrian woman who died 14 years ago at the age of 85, and who during Holy Week lived the mystery of the stigmata.

The docufilm, "Il Rifugio delle Anime - Storia di Natuzza Evolo", presented last month in Rome by the director of Rai Documentari, Fabrizio Zappi, and which will now be broadcast on RAI Italia, bears the signature of the journalists Pino Nano and Maurizio Pizzuto.

The special - the authors explain - is nothing other than the story of this Calabrian woman who said she "saw and spoke with the Madonna. But the mystic of Paravati also said she was able to "dialogue with the angels and the souls of the deceased". Offers some unpublished and exclusive interviews released to Pino Nano, in which Natuzza told how "behind every man's back there is an angel with whom I speak and who helps me to know what those who come looking for me think and want" . It is the same angel - Natuzza repeated several times - who "allows me to speak many different languages, even though I have never gone to school, and even though I have never learned to read or write".

With the help of unpublished documents, the docu-film by Pino Nano and Maurizio Pizzuto offers for the first time to the general Italian public the epistolary correspondence that existed at the time between the bishop of the Diocese of Mileto-Nicotera-Tropea, Msgr. Paolo Albera, and the rector of the Catholic University of Milan Father Agostino Gemelli, correspondence from which it is clear that, as had already happened years before for Padre Pio, Father Agostino Gemelli did not believe in the extraordinary phenomena of Natuzza: "A case of pure hysteria" - Father Agostino Gemelli wrote to the local Church, advising the Calabrian Archbishop's Curia to "isolate the girl who spoke to the Madonna", and to "reduce her to silence". Then in reality Natuzza was locked up in the criminal asylum in Reggio Calabria.

A compelling story, which also features unpublished images of the stigmata of the woman from Paravati in various phases of her life, all authentic photographic testimonies and closely linked to the day of Good Friday each year.

There are also many "voices" and "testimonies" from old videos, which the authors of the docufilm recovered from the Rai Teche archives, the most evocative being that of the great anthropologist Luigi Maria Lombardi Satriani, who interviewed by Enzo Biagi explained how the " Natuzza Evolo phenomenon was more authentic and real than ever".

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