Week of Italian Cuisine in the World 2023, the 8th Edition in Bangkok
The Embassy of Italy in Bangkok and the Italian Trade Agency Bangkok Office are thrilled to host the 8th Edition of the Italian Week of Cuisine in the World, taking place from November 13th to 19th, 2023.
di Francesco Tortora
Giovedì 16 Novembre 2023
Dal nostro corrispondente a Bangkok - 16 nov 2023 (Prima Pagina News)
The Embassy of Italy in Bangkok and the Italian Trade Agency Bangkok Office are thrilled to host the 8th Edition of the Italian Week of Cuisine in the World, taking place from November 13th to 19th, 2023.
This year marks the 8th edition of La Settimana Cucina Italiana nel Mondo (the Week of Italian Cuisine in the World), an initiative by the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs to promote fine Italian cuisine and agri-food products.

This year’s theme is “Dining with the Italian cuisine: well-being with taste.” Week of Italian Cuisine in the World 2023 kicks off with La Cucina Italiana trendsevents.

Week of Italian Cuisine in the World 2023 kicks off with La Cucina Italiana. The event hosted by the Italian Foreign Ministry in Rome has just switched on the 8th annual Week of Italian Cuisine in the World.

The Week of Italian Cuisine in the World, now at its 8th edition, is a promotional initiative aimed at showcasing the unique and top-quality features of the Italian wine and food sector, encouraging export, internationalization, and inbound tourism, through dedicated and targeted events in Italian Embassies, Consulates, Cultural Institutes, and ICE agencies.

It will be held from November, 13th to 19th worldwide through over 10,000 initiatives in more than a hundred countries, ranging from seminars on food to talks with chefs and business partners, classes, and demonstrative lessons.

The Week of the Italian Cuisine in the World is an initiative that promotes the Italian food and wine sector abroad, supporting exports, internationalization, and tourism. It is now in its eighth edition and has seen more than 9,200 events organized by the network of Italian Embassies, Consulates, and Cultural Institutes across 100 countries since 2016.

These events include workshops on the Mediterranean diet, meetings with economic operators in the sector, training and demonstration classes, and meetings with chefs.

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